What are the main benefits of having the JailHost functionality? What is 'JailHost', anyway?
In case you host multiple websites inside the very same account and one of them is hacked, it's very likely that all of them will get hacked after that. There are several reasons why this may happen, the two most common are: using very weak passwords or using outdated scripts with well-known weaknesses. That way, one single compromised site will do lots of damage to all of your Internet sites, since gaining access to one script normally allows hackers to access the web hosting account. This is the reason why we've developed an outstanding security option called JailHost. Once turned on, this option will literally lock an Internet site within its folder, so if an attacker takes over it, all the other websites in the account will remain hidden. Thus they will be resistant to further intrusion. The JailHost option doesn't imply that you should not keep your websites up-to-date, but it will greatly minimize the damage.
JailHost in Cloud Website Hosting
You can take advantage of JailHost with each and every
cloud website hosting plan that we provide and protect your Internet sites against attacks really easy. Each domain and subdomain in the Hepsia Control Panel that is provided with our packages has a different folder and in contrast to what can often happen with some other Control Panels, the content is not mixed up within just a single main folder, so maintaining your sites separate is a lot easier. Allowing JailHost for any site takes just a few clicks, so even if you don't have much experience, you won't need any specific skills to be able to maintain your Internet sites safe. The option is not active by default in case that you want to use a script that needs accessibility to a different folder in your account. If you use JailHost, the rest of the websites that you have will be protected, but even a hacked one won't remain damaged for long because we will have a couple of daily backup copies for it at all times, so we could quickly restore it.